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ACCA 13-Territory Inspection Department
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Jan 10, 2017 1:58 PM

Sep 2014
What's up with all the cancer female voices in here? First of, the OP starts pretty badass until Miss Autotune starts to add her shit. Then the show itself adds Rem&Ram goofballs with silly, high-pitched voices into a inspection department, wtf? Glad the blue haired woman (General Mauve I think) saved it with 2 short appearances. She definitely looks intriguing.

The rest of the episode was decent for episode 1. Little bit of exposition to explain the setting. Quite a fast pace on the initial drama to set-up the further setting for the story. All in all I think this has potential. It majorly depends on how they'll will develop the story from here on and how much time they will invest in showing goofball characters vs interesting ones.

Fai said:
Atlas77 said:
All persons are comparing this with Joker Game.

There are already hints of ongoing bigger storyline and this is not trying to sell me on the idea that Japan was just a poor innocent victim in WW2, so its already NOTHING like Joker Game.

This. Except Joker Game wasn't really selling Japan as an innocent victim in WW2. But yeah, ACCA is aiming for a continuous story while Joker Game was aiming for episodical cases. I didn't get a Joker Game feeling while watching this at all...

Lyfa said:
I'm not sure what this anime wants to do but that was really boring and I didn't really like the maincharacter at all. Not dropping it yet though, I kinda wanna know if this anime gets into "action" somehow.

I guess you didn't really play attention then. I think it's pretty clear where this is headed...
Jan 10, 2017 2:05 PM

Aug 2016
This was so relaxing and has a beautiful artstyle. I'm so hyped for ep 2.
Jan 10, 2017 2:09 PM

Jan 2008
Wow this was slow, that episode felt like an hour. It was a bit boring, though I did manage to watch the entire episode without tabbing away.

Guess they're gonna end up framing him for the fires.
Jan 10, 2017 2:18 PM
Jun 2016
Looks very interesting. Introduced a bunch of characters and threw in some intrigue.
Jan 10, 2017 2:29 PM

May 2014
That opening was so freakin' good I had to replay it three times before watching the actual episode. The ending theme was pretty too.

The actual episode itself tho, I'm not too sure seems like it might be a bit of a slow burn, but then again it is based on a manga by Natsume Ono and hers are usually pretty subtle and stylistic overall. Found it a bit boring tbh, but maybe that's bc I haven't seen anything like this in a while.

I'll see what episode two brings tho ^^
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Jan 10, 2017 3:00 PM

Mar 2012
lezerman said:
I liked it.

The characters designs are pretty unique.
Kinda sad that the score is so low already.

We are on myanimelist, if you check the score...
Jan 10, 2017 3:09 PM

Oct 2012
Love the opening so much, I've had it stuck in my head all day. As for the episode I liked it; the characters and world really drew me in even if nothing really happened. Looking forward to seeing where we go from here.
Jan 10, 2017 3:10 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
Yeah, definitly not going to be for everyone.
Personally tho, i love that kind of stuff so im definitly interested by this.
Jan 10, 2017 3:24 PM

Dec 2007
Loved it. Everything in this show is fancy and it feels different then anything else I've seen lately. Can't wait to see how the plot develops.
Jan 10, 2017 3:28 PM

Dec 2016
I don't smoke but for some reason I liked this anime so far.

Jean the MC seems to be pretty cool. I just hope that Rail doesn't frame him for one of those fires now that he has his lighter.
Jan 10, 2017 3:40 PM

Jul 2008
Felt like I was watching a western cartoon 'cause of the art style and music.

What the hell is wrong with that smoking glorification?

Dropped 0/10 garbage

Jan 10, 2017 3:45 PM

Jun 2015
The art is unique, the story kind of confuses me and bores me. It's only the first ep so i don't plan on dropping it yet
Jan 10, 2017 4:05 PM

May 2009
skyUFO said:
Felt like I was watching a western cartoon 'cause of the art style and music.

What the hell is wrong with that smoking glorification?

Dropped 0/10 garbage

What a lame bait.0/10
Jan 10, 2017 4:09 PM
Apr 2016
I enjoyed this and I'm intrigued to watch the next episode.

Felt like nothing was happening, but also felt like it was setting up stuff
Jan 10, 2017 4:24 PM

Jun 2014
Rationale for canning the Investigation Department: "Well, we had a fire 100 years ago, so we bought a fire extinguisher, but we haven't had a fire in 100 years, so we're getting rid of the fire extinguisher now." + Based on the conversation between the 5 chief officers, it sounds like they did this in order to plan a coup d'etat?

Ah well, that final bit scene confirmed that... Looks like this is going to be a match between ACCA's corrupt top-brass, who want to take over the government and the Inspectors they appointed themselves to oversee the ACCA organization, who are meant to prevent such coup's
m-i-c-h-a-e-lJan 10, 2017 4:42 PM
Jan 10, 2017 4:38 PM
May 2016
Should be kind of a rare intellectual title. No trash, no fanservice (and it's the best). Start isn't explosive, but to be continued. Hence, I expect good interesting seinen.
Jan 10, 2017 5:11 PM
Feb 2016
One of the better and more intriguing first episodes of the season. The character design takes getting used to, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

A lot happened, some backstory was revealed, and a lot of questions were raised. Very entertaining.

OTOH it's true that nobody was killed, nothing exploded, and no cities were destroyed by super-villains or giant mechas. /s
Jan 10, 2017 5:12 PM

Apr 2016
Writing : I wonder about the bitter guy, who happens to be conveniently at the right place to find the lighter with the outspoken intent to use it for arson?

Looking at the direction it takes, it seems we need several episodes to make our opinion. I don't think you can draw a conclusion from the first episode for any political story. That's why I'm somewhat surprised about some negative comments here, but maybe they didn't expect any serious story-line that would require several episodes to build and develop. No gun shooting, no fight, no running, no explosion, no spell, ...only talking, smoking, one guy who stole a lighter and another one corrupted with cigarettes, ... that's too groundbreaking for a first episode :)

Smoking glorification is shit, I hope the MC stops at the end of the show or dies with cancer :)

Miragee said:
What's up with all the cancer female voices in here? First of, the OP starts pretty badass until Miss Autotune starts to add her shit. Then the show itself adds Rem&Ram goofballs with silly, high-pitched voices into a inspection department, wtf? Glad the blue haired woman (General Mauve I think) saved it with 2 short appearances. She definitely looks intriguing.

ah ah ah! I'm with you on this one. Why did they take high pitched 10 years old voices for female adults in a show that seems "serious" with political plot, ... oh well, I will get use to it. Maybe they want to use the female cast for comedy. At one point though it sounded like Eider could speak normally.
Mauve "best girl"? Maybe but apparently only male characters are listed as main. Too bad.
Jan 10, 2017 5:13 PM

Sep 2014
damn, the opening is so catchy, cant stop listening to it. The ED song is nice too

anw, this has potential to be good. Ep 1 so far, i like it.
Jan 10, 2017 5:13 PM

Nov 2007
I like Natsume Ono so i was hyped when i heard this was going to get adapted...
I didn't read the manga but my friend did and she didn't like it much at first but got into it later. We will see. But i liked it so far.....and so many people calling it "boring" is a good sign.
Jan 10, 2017 5:30 PM
Jan 2016
Relaxing, yet interesting. Dialogue-heavy, yet beautifully directed. Really impressive. It did feel like it had a small budget(especially in some scenes where the direction felt deliberately avoiding any animation), but still a very well made one.

ichii_1 said:
Another great series that will be underrated because people have less attention span than monkeys.

Okay. Easy there with the insult. And I do not think this anime really require a great amount of attention span from its viewers, it's not like this anime is complex or anything. Probably the reason people do not like this(if there's any) is it's too dialogue-heavy & expected some action since it's handled by OPM's director.

chagrined said:
This kind of show needs to sell me on either the worldbuilding or characters, and it didn't do either.

I agree, none of them were that interesting/unique. Maybe it will be more interesting later.

ButadonMeitante said:
I'm glad that there's a lot of 'showing not telling' in this anime, like the fact him and is sister own the building where they live.

I do not think there's a lot of that in the 1st episode. As for your example, I am pretty sure we were told about that, not shown.
Jan 10, 2017 5:58 PM
Oct 2016
lezerman said:
I liked it.

The characters designs are pretty unique.
Kinda sad that the score is so low already.

I am actually very confused how can people rate the entire series based on only one episode............
Jan 10, 2017 6:00 PM
Dec 2016
The animation is so arrrgh
Jan 10, 2017 6:26 PM

Nov 2015
Not what I expected. God, the art is awful.

Jan 10, 2017 6:32 PM

Apr 2016
Yet another show I had zero expectations for that really impressed me with its first episode this season. This has a really unique vibe, and the soundtrack and quasi-retro animation contributed to it a lot. Could be a nice change of pace show to come back to each week. Only pitfall is that this could also get boring fast if not handled correctly, so we'll see.
Jan 10, 2017 6:32 PM

Apr 2014
Interesting start so far. Characters look really cool and distinctive, and the sound is great too. Just wondering why smoking is condidered something for the rich though.
Jan 10, 2017 6:40 PM

May 2010
Really love the atmosphere. Love the art. Definitely a keep for me. I'm a sucker for a slow build up anime like this.
Jan 10, 2017 7:00 PM

Jan 2015
too much smoke


- ign
Jan 10, 2017 7:11 PM

Jan 2017
This show's got some sick looking backgrounds, the colors are really nice too. Natsume Ono's style really comes to life here.

Jan 10, 2017 7:12 PM

Oct 2008
so good, easily AOTS at this point. The art style is wonderful
Jan 10, 2017 7:15 PM

Oct 2008
Sluggo1 said:
This show's got some sick looking backgrounds, the colors are really nice too. Natsume Ono's style really comes to life here.

great first post. I strongly agree with you re: the use of colors. they really stood out to me.
Jan 10, 2017 7:25 PM
Jul 2011
Doomdoctor said:
Hey look, it's Joker Game in contemporary Japan. Who thought this happy go lucky anime Japan was a good setting for an anime about conspiracies and detectives?
Contemporary? You do know Japan doesn't have a 99 year old king, right? Lol. The setting is clearly not modern Japan.

Also, screw all those saying this is as boring as Joker Game. Nothing can be that boring (and this is much better if you're not a spastic millennial).
Jan 10, 2017 7:26 PM
Jul 2018
I'm loving this so far. From what I've seen of this season, I think this will be AOTS.
Jan 10, 2017 7:36 PM
Apr 2016
Wow this is great. The music is amazing (especially the opening. This is some cowboy bebop/samurai champloo/baccano style shit that I like.) The animation has me sold already too. It's in fact a bit boring but they did well on world building. I'm looking forward to further plot developments.
Jan 10, 2017 7:50 PM

May 2015
great ost.i liked it

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Jan 10, 2017 8:09 PM

Mar 2015
LogiRogi said:
Doomdoctor said:
Hey look, it's Joker Game in contemporary Japan. Who thought this happy go lucky anime Japan was a good setting for an anime about conspiracies and detectives?
Contemporary? You do know Japan doesn't have a 99 year old king, right? Lol. The setting is clearly not modern Japan.

Also, screw all those saying this is as boring as Joker Game. Nothing can be that boring (and this is much better if you're not a spastic millennial).

He's 83 . .
Jan 10, 2017 8:29 PM
Jul 2011
He's also an emperor of a vastly different nation. It ain't no contemporary Japan.
Jan 10, 2017 8:30 PM
Jan 2016
This was a good first episode,the story and the characters seems interesting, i liked the animation and music, the ending is sweet and they opening is one of the most cool and addictive openings that i ever heard.
I was surprised when i see that score, i know that this anime was gonna be a little boring for some people, but there are series a lot more boring that have high scores. That note was a little despointing knowing MAL's standars :(.
Jan 10, 2017 8:48 PM

Sep 2008
this was better than i had expected. i liked it a lot. i haven't read the manga, so coming into this fresh helped a lot. i really like the character designs and the music is excellent.

don't know why others didn't like it, i guess it's just a difference in taste or ppl needing more action idk. my only problem was them talking about audits cuz after a long day, i dont wanna hear that word lol. i wish this could be my department though!! jean's coworkers look fun and they eat baked goods everyday. that is my ideal workplace environment.

the multiple arson is definitely hinting something and the head HQ guy seems dictator-like to me. The only reason i can think of why he decided to keep them open is that Jean can be a potential dangerous threat to his future goals and it's easier to keep an eye on him while giving him audit assignments and such. Jean seems extremely objective, sharp, and see's all the red flags so nothing can really escape him. It's totally crazy to expect him to do all 13 departments in 6 months though, so maybe he just wants him to quit??? Another reason could be to make it seem as if they are investigating but under the surface it's just a facade for the public. i was actually already getting mad they were getting rid of it cuz everything is peaceful thanks to the existence of this department. without it, the utopia would go away. Maybe with the department still open, the blackmarket can thrive a little more too idk
Jan 10, 2017 8:59 PM

Sep 2008
m-i-c-h-a-e-l said:
Rationale for canning the Investigation Department: "Well, we had a fire 100 years ago, so we bought a fire extinguisher, but we haven't had a fire in 100 years, so we're getting rid of the fire extinguisher now." + Based on the conversation between the 5 chief officers, it sounds like they did this in order to plan a coup d'etat?

Ah well, that final bit scene confirmed that... Looks like this is going to be a match between ACCA's corrupt top-brass, who want to take over the government and the Inspectors they appointed themselves to oversee the ACCA organization, who are meant to prevent such coup's

that fire extinguisher bit is so accurate lol.

so it will be the 5 chief officers against the head and then jean+friends will be assigned to investigate and stop the coup...interesting! the only thing is, what side jean will pick cuz he looks like he's pretty solid on his ethics but at the same time indifferent and carefree. should be good to watch!
Jan 10, 2017 9:06 PM

Aug 2013
This wasn't something I had planned on watching but I noticed it by chance and decided to watch it, especially after I realized it was Madhouse. The art is really nice and I like the character designs, plus I'm really a fan of slower shows like this. The episode seemed longer than normal which I liked, I wanted it to keep going. Jean seems like a really cool MC.

Just going by first episodes, it could be AotS, I have high expectations for it. Madhouse/10
Shradow115Jan 10, 2017 9:16 PM
Jan 10, 2017 9:09 PM

Nov 2016
Loved the OP and also liked the credit song
Love love the artstyle love the colors
Jean is hot, dark blue hair girl is hot
Digging the other cop that hates him
Confused about the premise, but that's OK

While I could say this is "boring", I'd say it's more relaxing than anything. Something I'll watch at night before bed, it made me feel really calm.

It gave me a .Hack//Sign feeling which is another series I findnto be relaxing instead of boring. And, like this, .Hack can be confusing but again I don't mind. While the setting of .Hack and this are worlds apart I bet they are going to continue to have a similar feel.

Wouldn't recommend to anyone trying to quit smoking....... I felt like lighting up and I don't even smoke :(
TheLuxuriousHoboJan 10, 2017 9:15 PM
Jan 10, 2017 10:22 PM

Sep 2014
Good op and ed. Good animation and art. I really like the aesthetic of it. The premise is pretty interesting. I'm somewhat confused about the hierarchy, but not too confused.

Even with all that said, I honestly found this episode pretty hard to get through, but once we hit the 19 minute mark it picked up a little. I'm guessing the MC is about to be framed for Arson or something? Probably a Coup is also going to happen.

Overall not too strong of an episode and it was hard to get through (took about 3 breaks before finishing it), but it has some potential.
Jan 10, 2017 11:04 PM

Feb 2015
Not a fan of the art style it was bordering on ugly for the character designs. Biggest issue for me was that it was just very very dull.
Jan 10, 2017 11:33 PM
Aug 2015
First impressions are everything, and from what I got out of this episode is that this anime is pretty interesting in concept and has a beautiful art style. It just seems so laid-back and the music (something I rarely notice) is very fitting and downright jazzy. I am very much looking forward to learning about these characters and their stories!
Jan 10, 2017 11:56 PM

Jul 2007
Ysad_Ziwezhan said:
Writing : I wonder about the bitter guy, who happens to be conveniently at the right place to find the lighter with the outspoken intent to use it for arson?

ITs implied Jean is being followed and spied upon.
We also see the stalker cop together with the long-haired guy who ordered the monitoring too.

So it is no coincidence that the stalker cop is ALWAYS where Jean is. There most likely is a reason behind it.

I don't think you can draw a conclusion from the first episode for any political story.

We know there's a possibility of a coup.
We know its a monarchy-run government that has been stale and same for almost a century.
We also know that it is not a perfect system and that it is ridden with red tape, illogical laws and system inconsistencies(ex: the lower pay of higher position that Jean mentions).
We know that there's a sort of classism issue with a sufficient amount of friction between "higher" ranking and "lower" ranking people.
We know that there's inner political play within ACCA between the executives and that the inspection bureau people are a pain in the ass for them in terms of doing shady dealings.
We know that Jean uncovering the corrupt smugglers somehow stepped on someone's toes enough to get him monitored and suspected.
We know that Jean is of a sufficiently high status to calmly converse with the heads(when normal people would shake in fear) and to smoke cigarettes which are the most expensive luxury in this setting.
We also know that kind is around ~98 years old,meaning he most likely does not have that much to live left.

I'd say we have quite a good amount of information on political setting. And with the possibility of a coup and king's age, it is easy to see that Jean most likely got dragged into a political game for power with what he did this episode.

iFenrear said:

I am actually very confused how can people rate the entire series based on only one episode............

Short attention span. Its a common factor with shows like this in MAL. And not just MAL. It happens to all the shows that are not "within the trend".

The trend shows usually go either with "all hate" or "all love" approach because there's a perception that the show is "cool to others".

The shows that are outside those trends? People are so used to simplistic anime narrative and cliche tropes that anything that steps out of that leads to people like that instantly turning off their brain and going "wtf this is boring". A "typical" viewers excepts the same regurgitated tropes and plotlines. That's why majority of anime production targets that.

Thus in a way people are conditioned to "dislike" thinking more or paying attention more than usual.
AhenshihaelJan 10, 2017 11:59 PM
Jan 10, 2017 11:56 PM

Aug 2013
The story and setting intrigued me but I wasn't really grabbed by any of the characters. I didn't really get a sense for the main character other than that he's aloof and he smokes cigarettes. The OP and ED were great, especially the animation in the ED. Will definitely be checking out the next couple of episodes.
Jan 11, 2017 12:12 AM

Apr 2016
kinda disappointed . but hey im gonna give it another go next week maybe it gonna get better .
"Mountains, beings, and nature's laws are bound by an arrangement, and within it, we live." -Mushishi Zoku Shou Suzu No Shizuku
Jan 11, 2017 12:57 AM
Jan 11, 2017 1:06 AM

Jun 2016
Well I'd say that it isn't quite a bad... show but kinda enjoying one..
the heavy conclusion will only wait for the past episodes
but DEYMM the ost pretty Jazzy and smoothh..
Peaceful huh? Isn't this like Psycho-pass again.. Nah.. Just kidding
Cigars are very luxury these days..

The hidden gem of winter 2017 :D
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